+41 (0) 41 530 62 44 info@aeschi-legal.ch
Othmar Aeschi, Attorney-at-Law and Notary Public, lic.iur.HSG, LL.M. (Columbia, N.Y.)

The Notary Office

As a notary public of the canton of Zug, Switzerland, Othmar Aeschi is at your disposal at any time with broad experience in notarial law. He provides comprehensive notarial services and gladly advises you on all legal matters. He is authorized to issue public notarizations and legalizations with effect for the whole of Switzerland, but also with effect for foreign countries (including multilingual notarizations and legalizations).

The Notary Office

As a notary public of the canton of Zug, Switzerland, Othmar Aeschi is at your disposal at any time with broad experience in notarial law. He provides comprehensive notarial services and gladly advises you on all legal matters. He is authorized to issue public notarizations and legalizations with effect for the whole of Switzerland, but also with effect for foreign countries (including multilingual notarizations and legalizations).

Incorporations and foundations

Advice, preparation and public notarization of all company incorporations and establishment of foundations, including:

  • Incorporations of stock companies (Ltd., in German: "AG")
  • Incorporation of limited liability companies (LLC, in German: "GmbH")
  • Incorporation of cooperatives and partnerships
  • Establishment of foundations (incl. family foundations)

Changes of Articles and capital increases

Advice, preparation and public notarization of all amendments of the Articles of Association as well as of capital increases and capital reductions, including:

  • Capital increases
  • Capital reductions
  • Capital cuts
  • Company name changes
  • Changes of the company purpose
  • Changes of the legal seat (incl. international changes of the legal seat)
  • Creation of new share categories
  • Subsequent payments under subscription
  • Waiver of the auditor ("opting out")

Mergers and restructurings

Advice, preparation and public notarization of all mergers and restructurings, including:

  • Mergers
  • Conversions into other legal forms
  • Divisions
  • Transfers of assets (resp. bulk transfers)

Dissolutions, liquidations and deletions

Advice, preparation and public notarization of all dissolutions, liquidations and deletions.

Inheritance agreements and last wills

Advice, preparation and public notarization of all inheritance law issues, including:

  • Last wills (testamentary dispositions) and inheritance agreements (respectively prenuptial and inheritance agreements)
  • Declaration on the waiver of inheritance
  • Estate settlements and inheritance divisions
  • Execution of last wills

Prenuptial agreements

Advice, preparation and public notarization of prenuptial agreements (including agreements on the separation of property).

Notarizations of foundation law issues

Advice, preparation and public notarization of the establishment of foundations (including family foundations) and all foundation law issues (including amendments to deeds of foundations).

Pledge agreements

Advice, preparation and public notarization of pledge agreements.

Advance directives (“Vorsorgeaufträge”) and living wills (“Patientenverfügungen”)

Advice, preparation and public notarization of advance directives (“Vorsorgeaufträge”) and living wills (“Patientenverfügungen”).


Advice, preparation and public notarization of affidavits.

Real estate law agreements

Preparation of real estate purchase agreements, establishment of condominium ownerships and other property law contracts.


  • Signature legalizations
  • Legalizations of copies (incl. passport copies)
  • Legalizations of articles of association
  • Legalization of translations
  • Obtaining superlegalizations and apostilles